To Marouli Verified by Untappd

We're proud to announce we are a verified venues of Untappd in Rhodes (and the only one in the island who serves vegan food 😎)

Untappd is a free app (for both iOS and Android) that allows you to socially share the brew you're currently enjoying, as well as where you're enjoying it, with your friends.

Is a best way to try new beers, earn badges and and discover new venues and new beers.

With more than 3 million users and it was included in the "Top 50 Apps of the Year" of 2016 by Time.

We're happy to be a verified venue by Untappd: that's cerify the quality of our beer offer (we have
some classic brands and some locals best Greek beers).

➡️ Go to Untappd and check our beer!


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